The definition of "volunteer"
according to Merriam-Webster is:
Pronunciation: "vä-l&n-'tir
Function: noun
Etymology: obsolete French
voluntaire (now volontaire), from voluntaire, adjective, voluntary, from
Latin voluntarius
Date: circa 1618
-- a person who voluntarily
undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service
Function: verb
Date: circa 1755
--intransitive senses :
to offer oneself as a volunteer
--transitive senses : to
offer or bestow voluntarily
Here are volunteer possibilites
you might be interested in. Contact us for more information.
For people with an interest
in history who enjoy meeting others and sharing time with them, guiding
in the Old Jail Museum and the Old Coldspring Townsite area provides an
essential service for the Heritage Society. We provide training and orientation,
as well as a variety of guiding options, from public tours, to school groups.
Commit a few hours each week or every other week.
The Society is gradually
computerizing its catalogue of collections, as well as other items. We
have a real need for people who are willing to add information to our databases,
either by typing at home, or by coming in to the Society to type.
This is a job for a detail
person who likes to work with objects. Each artifact entering the Society's
collection needs to be catalogued and marked with a number.
Do you have a knack for
digging into history? We need people to answer research requests from our
members and others in the public. This work involves working with the Society's
documentary and research collections, as well as local libraries, and writing
up findings.
If your interest lies in
sporadic work, why not consider helping out at events, such as "Heritage
Days"? We need help with program planning, and with people at the event
itself, manning the information desk or providing other forms of assistance.
We need careful people to
help us care for our historic buildings. Historic Housekeeping involves
a special set of skills in order to provide care for our buildings without
damaging them by overcleaning or using the wrong cleaning materials.
We need people to carry
out small painting projects and general repairs, construction of exhibit
furniture and more. If you enjoy working with tools or with buildings,
this might be your type of work!
Please give us some idea
of the area of volunteer work you are most interested in and of any special
skills you have that you think would be useful to us.